• Lactic Acid Removal

    Author: MyoCare Registered Massage Therapy |

    Intense physical activity produces lactic acid, leading to muscle soreness and fatigue. Sports massage aids in the removal of accumulated lactic acid, promoting faster recovery and reducing post-exercise discomfort.

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  • Reduction of Muscle Soreness

    Author: MyoCare Registered Massage Therapy |

    The targeted manipulation of muscles helps alleviate soreness by releasing tension and knots. Athletes can bounce back more quickly, ensuring they are ready for the next training session or competition.

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  • Relaxation and Stress Reduction

    Author: MyoCare Registered Massage Therapy |

    Beyond physical benefits, sports massage induces a state of relaxation, reducing stress levels. This mental reprieve is essential for athletes, allowing them to maintain focus, mental clarity, and overall well-being.

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